Not staying behind on keeping up with Art Basel’s events, beScene hosted a Live Art by Floyd event @ Miami Beach`s hip Hotel Victor. The event was held on the Hotel’s 2nd floor terrace with complimentary cocktails from 11pm-12am. The crowd had everyone from beSceners to art folk and socialites, including Miami Social’s very own Hardy Hill. Promptly @ 12, Floyd began his eccentric art performance. The live art show included his own percussion band; the electric guitarist was sensational, as was the gentleman on the congas.Floyd began by jamming to the sound of the beat, head rocking and trip hopping around. He then stuck his hand inside a paint-filled jar and thrusted his fingers around the canvas. As the color explosions began to fill the white canvas, so did they explode all over his clothes and face; he made sure to smear it everywhere! As the crowd’s jaws dropped, so did he onto the floor, mimicking playing the guitar in true rock-star form. The entire 20-minute performance was something definitely worth talking about and seeing. The final end result of his artwork was something so particular that the only word that comes to my mind is exclusive. Everyone danced and bopped their head as the show went on in approval of this rare performance. It definitely was not an event to be missed.
beScene Magazine is an online publication set to target the creative lifestyles of our devoted readers. beScene Magazine is moving towards a more environmentally conscious concept by making the magazine a paper free publication. Our main focus is to cover all aspects of our creative lifestyles; from well known artists and established entrepreneurs to up and coming original new talent. We are committed to introducing some of the industries most talented people to the scene so their work can be promoted and followed thereafter by our readers.
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